We don’t need a new mandatory federal government entitlement program.

Our population is aging and we all want to stay in our own homes as long as possible.  We definitely do have an increasing demand for in-home caregivers.  But I urge our Presidential candidates and our elected federal representatives to not support the mandatory Universal Family Care proposal as described  by Al-jen Poo in her recently published essay.  (See link below to the “Your Turn” essay by Al-jen Poo published in The Des Moines Register on 9/19/2109)
We do not need, and should not create, a new federal government sponsored, taxpayer funded entitlement program!   Such a scheme would make us even more dependent on our government.  Caregiving for family members at home should be left to family, friends and voluntary charitable efforts. This is part of being a family and accepting responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones.  Yes it is a burden, but it is one that we should accept.
LInk to Register “Your Turn” essay:


One thought on “We don’t need a new mandatory federal government entitlement program.

  1. As someone who, along with my two sisters, took care of our father in his home while he was dying of ALS, I agree, in principle, with the opinion expressed in this essay. Yes, it was a burden at times. And yes, families, friends, and charitable organizations should be utilized as much as possible. But I believe it’s naïve to think, in this hustle-bustle world where close family relationships have diminished significantly, that a large percentage of family, friends, and charities would be willing and/or able to shoulder the burden of providing long-term, in-home care for someone who needs it. Although I’m not familiar with the mandatory Universal Family Care proposal referenced in this essay, and bristle at the thought of a new program for the federal government to administer, I do believe there needs to be some type of safety net for the millions of Americans who would suffer greatly if left to rely only on family, friends, and charities.


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