FEMA – $9,000 Covid-19 Death Benefit!

The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) has announced a benefit of up to $9,000 to reimburse funeral expenses for those who died from Covid-19. There is no means test, so people qualify for the benefit regardless of the income or wealth of the deceased or family members. (This same benefit has been available in previous disasters.) FEMA will not reimburse any amounts paid for or reimbursed by pre-planned sources such as funeral insurance, veterans benefits, etc.

Everyone dies eventually. If a person died with no resources and there is no insurance or other benefit available, it can be difficult or impossible for relatives to pay funeral expenses regardless of when or why the person dies. Most states have provisions to pay for a burial if the person died with no resources and no one else volunteers to pay. And relatives cannot be forced to pay for a funeral or burial.

So why should we expect FEMA to pay such a benefit? And even if a benefit is available, why should there be no means testing?

3 thoughts on “FEMA – $9,000 Covid-19 Death Benefit!

    • Actually, a pure libertarian position would be that FEMA not exist. People should depend on their own savings, friends, family, and other voluntary help. People might still have mutual aid societies if FEMA did not exist.


      • Right on.
        I often argue the same sort of idea with conservatives who want drug testing for welfare or food stamps. The drug testing idea implies that the wealth transfer is a legitimate use of government.


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